
This page shows some details of my teaching experience


Enjoyed teaching jobs

  • Assistant (part time): November 1989 – October 1990
  • Assistant (full time): September 1990 – October 1992
  • Lecturer; October: 1992 – December 1999
  • Associate Professor; December 1999 – March 2012
  • Full Professor: March 2012– until now


Subjects taught in the last year


Teaching books

The list of educational books that I have written here.



End of career and work end of degree guided projects

The list of the end of career work that I have supervised: here.


Master’s theses supervised

Here you can find the list of the master’s theses supervised l listado de las tesinas de máster que he dirigido los puedes encontrar


Quality of teaching

Here you will find information about the quality of teaching that I have developed. 

Teaching innovation projects

You can find a list of teaching innovation projects in which I have participated: here.


Other teaching merits

Here you can find other merits related to teaching.


theme by teslathemes