Other teaching merits

Other notable merits related to teaching are as follows:

  • Participation as Assistant on numerous courses of teacher training for university teachers conducted by the Institute of Education Sciences of the UPV from 1991 to the present, a total of more than 210 hours:
    • Los medios audiovisuales y la enseñanza universitaria, 15 hours, year 1991/1992
    • Eduacación de la voz y técnicas de grupo, 27 hours, year 1993/1994
    • Proyecto docente, 22 hours, year 1995/1996
    • Prácticas sobre el disyear oral en el ámbito universitario, 24 hours,1998/1999
    • Análisis didáctico de las funciones docentes mediante videograbación, 12 hours, year 1999/2000
    • Autoconocimiento y gestión de emociones, 12 hours, year 2000/2001
    • Metodología docente para la enseñanza a distancia, 8 hours, year 2001/2002
    • Diseño curricular en la Universidad: planificar nuestra disciplina y desarrollar clases de calidad, 24 hours, year 2001/2002
    • Elaboración de unidades didácticas en web, 20 hours, year 2002/2003
    • El diseño instructivo para el desarrollo de materiales multimedia en la Universidad, 20 hours, year 2003/2003
    • Prácticas sobre las explicaciones orales en las clases universitarias, 8 hours, year 2003/2004
    • Herramientas Estadísticas para la Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, 20 hours, year 2007/2008


  • Participation as a Professor of the Intensive Programme “DeSeRTS: Design of Safe and Reliable Technical Systems (220438-IC-1-2005-1-DE-ERASMUS-1)”, the Socrates programme of the European Community, in the years 2007/08 and 2008/09. Participating entities: Sør-Trøndelag University Collegf (Norway), Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Netherlands), Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Germany), Helsinki Metropolia (Finland) and Polytechnic University of Valencia.
  • Participation as a Professor of the Intensive Programme “SaSeRoS: and secure robots based on open source software Safe”, LIFELONG LEARNING ERASMUS Program (European Community, in the year 2010/11 Entidadesparticipantes: Sor-Trondelag University Collegf (Norway), Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Netherlands), Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Germany), Helsinki Metropolia (Finland) and Polytechnic University of Valencia.


  • Starting in March and teacher in charge more than 35 times of various subjects of 1st degree, 2nd degree, master’s degree or doctorate.


  • Teaching in the doctoral programs with quality mention “Automática e Informática Industrial” (BOE 12-6-2003, 5-7-2004, 14-7-2005, 8-30-2006) and “Automática, Robótica y Control por Computador” (BOE 12-10-2007, 12-11-2008).


  • Professor of various years organized by Centre for postgraduate training (Polytechnic University of Valencia), PHYWE Spain and Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), with a duration of more than 100 hours.


  • Responsible for the didactic workshop “Mechatronics”, of the science week in the UPV, ICEF FCT-10-735, of the Spanish Foundation for science and technology, years 2010 and 2011.


  • Advice event “Desafío Robot” of the Museo de Ciencias Prince Felipe (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Generalitat Valenciana), years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014.


  • Participation as tutor of a College Professor, III Programa de formación inicial de profesores universitarios” of the Vice President for student and academic coordination and the Institute of Education Sciences of the University, Universitat Politècnica de Valèncias, academic year 2000/01.


  • Tutor of formative practices in workplaces, educational Center Juan Comenius, from the 2002/03 year until today  (more than 20 students).


  • In charge of 3 colaboration grants of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Government of Spain awarded to Dept. of Systems Engineering and Control of the University during the years 2001/02 (2 grants) and 2010/11 (1 Fellowship).


  • Tutor of one scholarship of the Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial of the University during the academic year 2009-2010.
theme by teslathemes